Guide for Reviewers

 | Post date: 2022/02/6 | 

Physiology and Pharmacology is committed to maintaining the integrity of the scientific record through peer review process. As COPE points out, “the peer review process depends to a large extent on the trust and willing participation of the scholarly community and requires that everyone involved behaves responsibly and ethically”. We acknowledge our reviewers’ invaluable contribution and ask to study the guidelines and instructions listed below and conduct reviews in an ethical and accountable manner.
CSE Reviewer roles and responsibilities
COPE ethical guidelines for peer reviewers
How to conduct a review for Physiology and Pharmacology
How to conduct a review for Physiology and Pharmacology

Current peer review policy
- Identifiability: Double blind
- Mediation: Editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and author
- Publication: Peer reviews are not published
- Facilitation: Reviews facilitated by the journal
- Ownership: Review reports owned by the journal

Reviewer invitations
As a reviewer, you will receive invitations to review a manuscript via email. The email contains manuscript title and abstract. The invitation email also provides a link for direct login. When you click on this link, you will reach to the reviewer section in your account in the journal. In the table titled “New articles”, you can see the list of manuscripts sent for review and can download the main manuscript files (as MS Word document) which include the manuscript main text and all figures/tables.
Please evaluate the subject in your field of expertise and interests and ensure having no conflict of interest.

Decline or agree to review
If you have decided to decline the review for any reason, please click on the “decline” link within the invitation email. You can also click on the link for direct login and go to the reviewer section in your account. If you are not willing to review the manuscript, you can cancel the assignment via the “Cancel” button in the “New assignments” table.
If you agree to review the manuscript, no action is required until the time of submitting the review report.
Note: If the direct login link did not work and you had to enter your account, please login
here and select the “Reviewer” as login type.

Preparing a review
Through the direct login link in the invitation email or login,
here, as a reviewer you will have access to the manuscript full text in MS Word file format. Reviewers can also download the separate files uploaded by authors. When you read the manuscript and get ready to complete the review, please click on “Review” button, in the “New assignments” table.
This will bring you to the “Review report” page. On this page, please fill the following boxes:
Confidential comments to the editor: Provide your private comments to the editor in this part, which, will not be seen by the authors.
Comments to the authors: Provide your clear and concise review for the authors to see. Comments and issues that you would like the authors to consider and implement must be provided in this box, including suggestions for improving the manuscript or reasons making the manuscript unacceptable for publication. Please keep the review reports blinded (do not include your name or any identifying information) and professional because they will be available to the authors. The journal will not edit peer review reports.
Manuscript quality rating: Please choose one of the five levels of overall quality, 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent), for each defined category. Choose “Not applicable” where you did not find the item related to the manuscript type.
Overall decision on manuscript: Select your overall recommendation in the drop-down menu, including accept, minor revision, major revision, or reject.
Optional file attachment: You can upload a separate document with your comments and suggestions for authors. The file should be anonymized and blinded. Please do not include your name or any identifying information in the text or file name.

Submitting the review report
Once you prepared the review, you can click “Save the form as a draft and continue later”. This will give you the opportunity to save the record and editing it later. Once you completed the review, please click “Save and send the form”. You will receive a confirmation message to submit the form if you are sure about the information you entered.
When your review is successfully submitted, you will see “Your review registered successfully. Thank you for your time.”

Invitation to review a revision
You may be invited to review a revised manuscript that has been originally reviewed by yourself or another reviewer. In both cases, the file of responses to reviewers’ comments and questions will be available for your consideration.

Review time frame
Reviewers are encouraged to respond to the review invitation at their earliest convenience. Upon not receiving a decline response, the journal expect you to submit the review report within the 21 days. First review reminder email will be sent 7 days before review due date. If we will not receive review report in 21 days after the invitation, another reminder email will be sent which will give you an extra 10 days to complete the assignment. If we do not receive your response and decide to cancel the assignment, you will be notified by email.

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