Volume 26, Issue 3 (September 2022)                   Physiol Pharmacol 2022, 26(3): 248-258 | Back to browse issues page

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Balakrishnan G, Dutt R A, Bangera S, Thalenjeri P, Balasubramaniyam K, Valavoor Fathima A. Customized student inventory for the smooth transition of low achievers to advanced learners. Physiol Pharmacol 2022; 26 (3) :248-258
URL: http://ppj.phypha.ir/article-1-1741-en.html
Abstract:   (1738 Views)
Introduction: Each undergraduate medical student embarks upon a unique learning journey. A few students achieve their targets smoothly but some land in the group labeled low achievers. We aimed to identify the low achievers, determine their problems, identify their learning preferences and then address these using appropriate remedial measures, thus creating a customized student inventory. Methods: Low achievers were categorized into study and control groups. The study group students’ learning problems were categorized into cognitive, affective, interpersonal and structural domains based on their responses to a questionnaire and were allotted to a faculty in-charge, who identified their learning preferences based on the VARK questionnaire. Customized remedial measures were administered to the study group. Academic performances of both study group and control group students were compared. Results: The majority of students of the study group had affective problems, inability to understand the subject with their method of learning, mismanagement of time, problems in interacting with students and teachers. The study group preferred a multimodal approach to learning. Following the implementation of the inventory among study group students, there was a significant improvement in their academic performance when compared with their previous examination results. The academic performance significantly improved with a large effect size in study group when compared to the control group. Conclusion: Understanding the problems of each medical undergraduate low achiever student, applying customized student inventory with targeted remedial measures directed at their learning problems and preferred mode of learning enabled a smooth transition of low achievers to advanced learners.
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