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Abstract:   (140 Views)
Introduction:The burn wound healing process is multi-variable and various factors are involved.  chitosan-based dressings are acceptable materials for wound healing. probiotics and postbiotics, can increase the effectiveness of these dressings.
This study aimed to investigate the effect of biodegradable dressing prepared from chitosan and external microvesicles of Bifidobacteriumbifidum on burn wound healing in male Wistar rats.
Methods:Bifidobacteriumbifidum was cultured, the activated crude supernatant(ACS) was separated and the microvesicles were isolated with the help of Ultra-centrifugation at 150,000×g at 4°C for 30minute.Chitosan films containing and without microvesicles were prepared using a heater stirrer at 29°C.the effectiveness of the membranes was evaluated. For this purpose, 60 male rats with second-degree bursns were randomly divided into 5 groups(n=12) and were treated for 21 days, the process of wound healing was examined macroscopically  and microscopically (wound histology and evaluation of gene expression of cytokines interleukin-8, interleukin-10 and VEGF) on the 3rd, 7th, 14thand 21stdays.The obtained data were analyzed by IBM SPSS.21 software and using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney tests with p ≤ 0.05.
Results:The average diameter of microvesicles was 174 ± 52nm.The thickness of the layers was 2mm.The wounds of the group post-biotic and positive control were closed on the 14th day.Collagen production and epithelialization as well as inflammation control in the treatment groups were higher than negative control.
Conclusion:The use of chitosan membranes, particularly those enhanced with ACS and microvesicles, represents a significant advancement in wound careby inflammation control, offering a promising strategy forimproving the healing of burn wounds.

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