Volume 12, Issue 1 (Spring 2008)                   Physiol Pharmacol 2008, 12(1): 1-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Anjomshoaa M, Karbalaei K, Razavi S, Mardani M, Tanhaei S, Nasr Esfahani M H et al . Evaluation of effect of chick embryonic notochord on neural induction of mouse embryonic stem cells. Physiol Pharmacol 2008; 12 (1) :1-13
URL: http://ppj.phypha.ir/article-1-389-en.html
Abstract:   (13915 Views)
Introduction: The aim of this study was evaluate the ability of notochord to induce neural induction and/or differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cell to neuron and motor neuron, respectively. Methods: In order to produce embryoid bodies, ES cells line Royan B1 were grown in suspension in the absence of LIF for 4 days. EBs were divided into 4 groups. EBs in group 1 & 2 were further cultured in suspension for 4 days in presence of retinoic acid (RA) while EBs in group 3 and 4 were cultured in absence of RA. Unlike group 2 and 4, EBs in the group 1 and 3 were also co-cultured with notochord for further 4 days. Numbers and type of neurons were assessed for each group. Results: EBs in group 3 and 4 lead to 6 to 5 % neuron production while EBs in the group 1 and 2 lead to 55 and 42% neuron production, respectively. There were only significant difference at P <0.05 between groups 3 and 4 with groups 1 and 2. Assessment of percentage of motor neuron (Hb9 positive) reveals a significant increase in the group 1 compared to group 2. Conclusion: Apparently, co-culture of mouse embryonic stem cells in presence of notochord did not induce neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells, while notochord may direct neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells toward motor neurons
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Type of Manuscript: Experimental research article |

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