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Abstract:   (171 Views)

The advent of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), first identified in Wuhan, China, has led to significant mortality and morbidity worldwide, disproportionately affecting individuals with comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus (DM), cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), and obesity. Evidence suggests a strong correlation between DM and heightened risk of severe COVID-19 complications, which is thought to be exacerbated by factors such as hyperglycemia, systemic inflammation, immune dysregulation, and the increased expression of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor in pancreatic cells. The interaction of COVID-19 with antidiabetic medications is complex, with varying reports on how these drugs may influence the disease trajectory in diabetic patients. This article seeks to synthesize the current literature on the role of antidiabetic agents in managing COVID-19 in patients with diabetes, elucidating their potential protective or adverse effects and providing a comprehensive overview of the evolving understanding of this critical interface.

Type of Manuscript: Review | Subject: Endocrine Physiology/Pharmacology

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