Hoseinmardi N, Azimi L, Javan M, Naghdi N, Fathollahi Y. Augmentation of paired pulse index as short-term plasticity due to morphine dependence. Physiol Pharmacol 2009; 13 (2) :108-119
Abstract: (15758 Views)
Introduction: Chronic morphine exposure can cause addiction and affect synaptic plasticity, but the underlying
neural mechanisms of this phenomenon remain unknown. Herein we used electrophysiologic approaches in
hippocampal CA1 area to examine the effect of chronic morphine administration on short-term plasticity.
Methods: Experiments were carried out on hippocampal slices taken from either control animals or animals made
dependent via oral chronic morphine administration. Population spikes (PSs) were recorded from stratum pyramidale of
CA1 following stimulation the Schaffer collateral afferents. For examining the short-term synaptic plasticity, paired
pulse stimulations with inter pulse interval (IPI) of 10, 20, 80, and 200 ms were applied and paired pulse index (PPI)
was calculated.
Results: Chronic morphine exposure had no effect on the baseline response. A significant increase in PPI was
observed in dependent slices at 80 ms IPI as compared to the control ones. There was no significant difference in
baseline response between control and dependent slices when we used long term morphine, naloxone, and both.
However, long term morphine administration caused significant difference in PPI at IPI of 20 ms. This effect was
eliminated in the presence of naloxone.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that morphine dependence could affect short-term plasticity in hippocampal
CA1 area and increase the hippocampus network excitability.
Keywords: Addiction, CA1 neural networks, short-term synaptic plasticity.