Volume 24, Issue 3 (September 2020)                   Physiol Pharmacol 2020, 24(3): 202-210 | Back to browse issues page

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Neamah N, Naaeem Khudair A, Al-Jadaan S A. Antioxidant activity of novel selena-diazole derivative against oxidative stress induced by dipyrone in female rats. Physiol Pharmacol 2020; 24 (3) :202-210
URL: http://ppj.phypha.ir/article-1-1484-en.html
Abstract:   (2358 Views)
Introduction: Selena-diazole has antioxidant, and antitumor activities. Also selena-diazol exhibited promising antifungal, antibacterial, viral infection and neurodegenerative disease. The aim of the study is to evaluate the antioxidant activity of a novel -(4,5,6,7-tetrahydro- [1,2,3-] selenadiazolo [4,5 e] pyridine-4,6-diyl) bis(benzene-1,3-diol) (T) against dipyrone (Di) induced oxidative stress. Methods: In vitro antioxidant using DPPH, concentrations of T and ascorbic acid (AA) at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50μg was measured. In vivo study conducted using four groups, received 50mg/kg of T or/and Di and DW for 30 days. Antioxidant estimated in vivo by serum superoxide dismutase activity (SOD); Glutathione Peroxidase enzyme GPx measured by using Rat SOD1 kit and Rat GPX1 ELISA Kit respectively. Furthermore, Malondialdehyde (MDA) is reliable biomarkers to predict oxidative stress. Results: The results indicate IC50 rate using DPPH of T compound 48.888μg/ml. GPx of T and T&Di groups were significantly increased. SOD of T was significantly increased than other groups. MDA results presented essential reduction in T group value than Di group. Conclusion: The study concluded that synthesized novel selena-diazole derivative T has a good effect as an anti-oxidant.
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